Moving to New Mexico – the road trip

Those last two weeks in California were endless.  John was already in Timberon, building our home.  We stayed behind to let the boys finish out the school year.

The boys and I did do a lot of packing, but not nearly enough (as we found out) when we finally did began to load up the trailer we had a lot stuff still to go in boxes and bins.

Note to self: If we ever do move again (not likely – heh) we do NOT have to take every single little thing.

We finally – with the help of our friends (thanks guys!) – got that bad boy loaded and closed up for the road. Check it out:

Custom moving van
Custom moving van

This is a flatbed carry trailer. John built walls and a ceiling and voila, A moving van! Very cool.

We departed August 31 at 5:00am. In the morning – yes. I had all the animals and one kid in my Saturn. John had the other kid in his truck. We had walkie-talkies, which were great for communicating back and forth. It took us 2 days of hot hot driving and looking at trailer-butt out Interstate 10 East through lower Arizona and New Mexico.

Some pics of the trip…

Early morning
Early morning

Trailer-butt going through those wind generators near Palm Springs, early morning, day one.

Here’s how the animals rode . . .


Dave, would NOT stay in his cat carrier but was perfectly happy on the passenger side floor among the candy wrappers and feet.



Diego, on the other hand was very good and stayed happily in his carrier. As long as we had it high enough so he could see out the window.



Chico was the baddest. He kept running back and forth between windows, barked at anyone who looked at him, and tried his best to explore the pedals under my feet. We must have hauled him out of there at least 10 times. Finally he found a comfortable spot (comfortable for him) wedged behind my head sitting on my shoulders and panting in my ear.

Brubaker (parrot) was in her cage, behind my seat she chirped every once in a while but didn’t say much.


Writer, reader, artist, teacher. Allathat. Internet Sales & Marketing on the flip side. Living and working from a mountain, smack dab in the middle of America.